Monday, August 20, 2007


Yes, I was on a two week vacation this month. Which, is why I haven't posted as often as I should have. I kind of boycotted all electronics I didn't need to deal with while on vacation, but now I am catching up.

We went down to Virginia (Steve and myself) taking grandma in tow for the first week. We really just lounged by the pool, but one day we went ot Colonial Williamsburg.

Steve wanted to see the gunsmith, I wanted to see the printer and bindery. I missed the printer, it closes at 1, but I got to see the bindery, but there was a group of little kids inthere when we stopped and I couldn't ask the questions I wanted too, which sucked, but it was nice hearing what he did have to say.

Steve saw the gunsmith, but it was not as impressive and he remembered, and a whole section was not accessible like it used to be when he went as a kid. In fact, a lot of Williamsburg was not as nice as I remember. Lots of things were closed or closed off and not available to the public any longer. I remember it was also a lot more informative and characters used to have to stay in persona and I remember many of the costumes used to be nicer.

I looked through all the exhibits, and I was very saddened to find only two examples of embroidery in the whole place. I found both in the Governor's Palace (and once photobucket starts working again -- cause it isn't this morning I will post the two objects up).

Though I did find a lovely book on british embroidery in the bookstore onsite and also a new book on costuming for Williamsburg. There was another book but it was $65, out of my budget for this trip (gas alone was about $350 for the 1st week alone).

And needless to say I didn not get much embroidery done, but I did work a little on my german bag for the Meyer dress.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What were the names of the books? Did you buy any of them?
I am always interested in books. My collection is not big enough yet.