Monday, August 20, 2007

So far so good...

Here is one skein or 5 meter of silk floss of the two colors of the Cresent Colors, Belle Soie in Shepard's Pasture and Mango.

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With this I can determine how much floss I will need for the rest of the german bag and the collar and neckline of the underchemise of the Meyer Dress. I am estimating 7 skeins of the green adn 10 of the yellow because the yellow has to buttonhole all the way around as well. At $5.50 a skein, and $7.50 shipping it will be $101 for just the collar and neckline, and I still have to get the ground fabric. Time to go shopping (online is the only place I can get that much of the two colors). I will be ordering on Wednesday, we will see how long it takes to get in.

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