Well, I gave up on the blackwork for a while and went back to the color.
I ordered the silks and they came in, and all was fine at first, but I noticed there were darker variations on the new mango than the previous, and the green is really dark compared to the previous.
It is good that I got them all at the same time so the collar will be the same colors, but the colors are not as nice as I originally picked out, and the bag is now lighter and darker in areas which is really noticable.
I still can't find the charger for my camera so photos will be coming soon. I will have the bag finished by the initial October 20 deadline for the a&s competition in CT, but I don't know if I want to submit it with the color changes...we will see. Actually the embroidery will be finished this weekend, then I have to put it together, and make the pull cord. I already made the hanging cord with silk I had.
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